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News and Analysis

1887 0 2024-02-01 21:28:40 5 things we need to know about the covid-hoax so we don't get scammed again

2433 0 2023-07-31 13:47:40 A fingerprint and a drop of blood – Theranos technology

4078 0 2023-05-20 00:09:11 DNA passportization and mass testing – the main goal of the Plandemic

4426 4 2023-03-14 22:34:04 LGBTQP are sick freaks 18+

You will excuse me for the rude and vulgar statement, but... This human scum, calling herself LGBTQPIA+ (and herself not...

3031 2 2023-01-27 15:37:52 Pfizer has been exposed, or are they mocking us again?

Yesterday, scandalous material from investigative journalist James O'Keefe III and Project Veritas was published on ...

741 0 2022-11-29 12:00:32 The Psy-Op “Died Suddenly” — Made to Discredit Factual Information

On November 23, I was compelled to write an article exposing the “documentary” Died Suddenly for what i...

1479 0 2022-11-29 11:57:10 Why is the system murdering us and how to fight it

Address to the nation and the world by the author of the book Game of Gods I The Rise of the Fall Travel and movement re...

4514 4 2022-09-14 18:47:13 Why it is not possible to develop a vaxxine against covid?

In this paper we discuss why it is not possible to develop an effective covid vaxxine. We argue that the pathogen of the...

2379 0 2021-12-28 12:57:58 In fact, why did you get vaccinated?

"Vaccinated can transmit the virus" - So you have not been vaccinated "for the good of society". &qu...

1435 0 2021-12-06 22:59:42 If you want to conquer a civilization, you have to eliminate the alpha males

The first thing you need to do if you want to conquer a civilization is to eliminate alpha males or strong men, because ...

1544 0 2021-12-03 01:11:55 There will never be "fully vaccinated"people!

The global control system requires constant vaccination and "fully vaccinated" is not foreseen. Redefining the...

1389 0 2021-11-22 12:24:30 We are losing our freedom, but the NGOs have taken care of the traffic lights

The world is shaking, and NGOs are worried about the flashing lights at our traffic lights. And if this is not a hoax ri...

1378 0 2021-11-15 19:35:28 24 hours of fascism

We recently came across the following title on the website "Stop wage growth comes with many unvaccinate...

5169 1 2021-11-04 21:20:27 Not a virus, but "smart dust" causes COVID-19

The cause of COVID infection is not a virus. The causative agent of COVID-19 was patented in 2015 (then tests, vaccines,...

1192 0 2021-10-29 14:27:27 Why do they introduce a digital document and what exactly is it?

The so-called green certificate is not issued because of the vaccination against COVID-19, as propaganda brazenly sugges...

6165 1 2021-07-17 08:28:38 WEF: Expect Internet, power, and banking system outages

After not only "predicting" the pandemic but through "Event 201" compiled the overall program of the...

2789 0 2021-07-16 09:27:32 Why they called the "coronavirus mutation" Delta

What we are witnessing today are not the consequences of any accidental devolution or degradation of modern civilization...

2844 2 2021-07-01 15:58:08 Should we expect an alien invasion?

The preparation and irradiation of the public consciousness for years through films frightening us with attacks from ali...