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About us

България над всичко

This project aims to respond to the attack on humanity and provide an alternative to official propaganda about what is happening worldwide. Our team is made up of worthy – self-respecting people, intolerant of injustice, and determined to fight against it to the end.

Our main mission is to awaken as much of the population as possible and attract them to the cause.

Copyright and Fair Use:

All the information published on this website, primarily but not exclusively in the sections "News and Analysis," "Videos," and "Memes," is free of charge. It has a documentary and educational character and is intended for the benefit of society. It is possible for the publications to include criticism, commentary, and analysis of current public events. In most of them, individuals are presented with their real names. The contains numerous photos and videos found on the internet for the purpose of documentation and education, hence their use is exempt from copyright.

The platform operates with a decentralized management structure and lacks a clearly defined owner. It frequently features articles, videos, and images shared publicly on social networks such as Telegram, Facebook, X, and others. Many of these materials are authored by unknown individuals or personalities who have chosen to remain anonymous. We do not assume responsibility for the accuracy of the published information. Users should verify it independently and draw their own conclusions.

We are not medical professionals and do not provide medical advice, so do not interpret the presented data or recommendations in a similar manner!