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News and Analysis

1274 0 2024-02-07 15:39:29 The Georgia Masons collect children's DNA

1747 0 2024-02-01 21:28:40 5 things we need to know about the covid-hoax so we don't get scammed again

1153 0 2024-01-25 12:40:15 Together against the infernal plans of the WHO

1458 0 2023-11-13 00:22:37 CO2 is an integral part of life, it is absurd to call it pollution!

The idea that CO2 is pollution is absolutely absurd. The claim that it can destroy the Earth or change its temperature i...

6391 6 2023-10-11 21:37:56 The circus is back, get ready to resist!

We received information from the Varna port that new COVID 'tests' (collecting DNA), new 'vaccines,' bed...

2215 0 2023-09-04 14:22:37 The end of the world will occur on September 23rd?

It's hard to believe that there's anyone left who hasn't heard the term 'predictive programming.' Th...

1302 0 2023-08-23 14:00:46 This is an open letter to Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter

Dear Janet & Cyntha, In episode 28 ot Fall of the Cabal, you mentioned that Bill Gates is tied to a Chinese firm &ld...

1780 2 2023-08-03 00:39:31 Dr. Robert Malone: The Covid-19 vaccines are a depopulation scheme

Attention!!! The editor of the website is not fully in agreement with the authors' theses in this article but consid...

2346 0 2023-07-31 13:47:40 A fingerprint and a drop of blood – Theranos technology

Back in 2003, the young inventor and business lady Elizabeth Holmes developed and implemented a technology through which...

1313 0 2023-06-10 14:45:56 The book "GAME OF GODS I" is now available in English on

Hello, friends! We are delighted to announce that Angel Angelov's book "GAME OF GODS I - The Rise of the Fall&q...

3992 0 2023-05-20 00:09:11 DNA passportization and mass testing – the main goal of the Plandemic

2955 6 2023-05-05 17:14:15 Lawsuits against Ministers of Health in many countries

As you know, a lawsuit against former Health Minister and present president of Switzerland Alan Berset has been launched...

3260 6 2023-05-01 12:32:02 A former Swiss banker convicted Pfizer

Similar cases are already being fought in the USA, as well as in other countries around the world. Watch the video to le...

4231 4 2023-03-14 22:34:04 LGBTQP are sick freaks 18+

You will excuse me for the rude and vulgar statement, but... This human scum, calling herself LGBTQPIA+ (and herself not...

2959 2 2023-01-27 15:37:52 Pfizer has been exposed, or are they mocking us again?

Yesterday, scandalous material from investigative journalist James O'Keefe III and Project Veritas was published on ...

2212 1 2023-01-11 12:46:33 Nothing is over, the Chinese totally freaked out

China is introducing a national health code that will allow authorities to track citizens and monitor their health 24/7 ...

2568 0 2023-01-03 22:29:30 A creature with tentacles in the eye of a deceased vaccinated boy

A doctor recorded this video after verifying that it was possible to see a creature with tentacles through the eyes of a...

705 0 2022-11-29 12:00:32 The Psy-Op “Died Suddenly” — Made to Discredit Factual Information

On November 23, I was compelled to write an article exposing the “documentary” Died Suddenly for what i...

1421 0 2022-11-29 11:57:10 Why is the system murdering us and how to fight it

Address to the nation and the world by the author of the book Game of Gods I The Rise of the Fall Travel and movement re...

2021 0 2022-10-18 14:43:02 They offer vaccines against malnutrition for an impending food disaster

No, this isn’t a meme. It’s a legitimate article published on  So, first! They destroy the ...

1842 1 2022-10-17 20:06:05 Fitness icon dies shortly after receiving COVID-19 vaccine

Bodybuilding icon and author of The Physics of Resistance Exercise Doug Brinol has died aged 63. The screenshot on the l...

2327 0 2022-10-14 14:14:14 Anti-Propaganda: List of Victims of COVID-19 Vaccines

Hello friends, it is high time to fight back and crush the propaganda! We've created a place for anyone who knows a ...

1974 1 2022-09-26 13:58:04 If it weren't so gross, it would probably be a lot of fun

Look how Elite spends billions to promote vaccines to the herd. It does it brazenly, relying on the total brain blackout...

4379 4 2022-09-14 18:47:13 Why it is not possible to develop a vaxxine against covid?

In this paper we discuss why it is not possible to develop an effective covid vaxxine. We argue that the pathogen of the...

1913 3 2022-09-05 13:40:46 Shocking: UK admits children vaccinated against COVID are 4423% more likely to die

Shocking figures contained in an official report, published just hours before Boris Johnson announced his resignation as...