After not only "predicting" the pandemic but through "Event 201" compiled the overall program of the dictatorship imposed by all countries and institutions on the population, do you know what was the next exercise of the World Economic Forum (WEF)? It's called the Cyber ​​Polygon. The fate of this organization is strange, it always predicts black and dystopian scenarios for our future, and then somehow by chance, everything that is supposed to come true comes true. The "Cyber ​​Polygon" in question is playing out a scenario of a global restart caused by cyber-attacks that cut off the Internet, electricity, and the banking system all over the world. The fact that each of these units is secured separately and independently of the others is not commented on, it is important to know what exactly is planned to happen. We will literally be left in the dark, without electronics and without any communication, and if someone made the mistake of keeping their money in a bank (or has invested everything in virtual currency), they will have to quickly forget about them.

If the internet is launched again, it will never be the same. As always under the pretext that it is done for our safety, access to the network will take place only after identification with biometric data, and over 90% of sites and services will be irretrievably lost.

With these war games in practice, they play out possible scenarios for reacting to the consequences of their plan, but they do not always reveal exactly how they will come about. In this case, it may not be cyberterrorism, but something much more shocking. The preparation and irradiation of the public consciousness for years through films frightening us with attacks from alien or asteroid apocalypses has obviously approached its natural apogee. In recent months, the media has been warming us up daily with news about dangerously passing space objects, or with the consecutive official UFO footage from NASA or the Pentagon.

We will not be attacked by aliens, nor will meteorites hit us from space, because both things do not exist in the way propaganda suggests. What can actually happen is a missile (or some secret weapon) attack on all key cities and capitals around the world. This is not something unexpected, yet we have seen their destruction through cinema thousands of times (predictive programming). The strikes will be on land and water, with the latter having the potential to cause devastating tsunamis. Of course, everything will be presented to the population, as one of the above 2 hypotheses, and maybe a third, such as the war from the franchise "Terminator". Implementing such a plan is not difficult at all, the technology has long been available, the proven mass media capable of conducting the show - also, and last but not least, the Americans have over 800 military bases scattered around the world. It may be that the coronavirus circus and the vaccine scare are just smoke in the eyes. They know the psychology of the crowd very well and despite all the manipulations, they are perfectly prepared for an option in which over 70% of people will refuse vaccinations. Then the "soft" war they are currently waging will quickly change its consistency because they have already revealed their cards to us and there is no going back for them.

Another no less realistic scenario is the one we were introduced to in the movies "Kingsman" and "Bird Box", namely by giving a specific frequency signal from 5G phones and antennas (which will soon be everywhere), people will literally go mad and start killing each other, completely destroying the modern social order. The same thing can happen with brain inflammation caused by GMO viruses in vaccines (just like in the movie "I'm a Legend").

As you can see, the possible scenarios for a future mass apocalypse are not few, and it is for something like this that the group around the World Economic Forum is preparing. After such an attack, no matter how it is presented, the cities will quickly be filled with "guarding" military. This will be the trigger for the official introduction of an international government and the New World Order. I know that at first reading, for most of you, this will all sound too fantastic to be possible, but keep in mind that the crazier their plans seem to you, the more likely they are to carry them out. Just think how you would react if someone in 2019 had told you that next year the whole world will be locked, and normalcy, freedom to move, communicate, work and even breathe will remain a sweet memory of the past. You would probably grin in his face and call him crazy…


source: GAME OF GODS I - The Rise of The Fall